sore throat coughing up mucus fever

Decoding Baby's Cough -
Fever | Search by Symptom --
Causes Of Coughs: What Everyone Needs To Know - GoogoBits.
The mucus produced by a cold gets thick and may turn yellow or green. Mucus is typically clear with allergies. A sore throat is more common with a cold than with allergies. Colds often bring on a low fever (especially in children).. Both colds and allergies can cause coughing and sneezing, but coughing is more common.

coughing up blood, mucus drainage, sinus congestion, sneezing.
sore throat coughing up mucus fever
Cough (Chest), Thick saliva or mucus - Symptoms - WebMD.Tickly, dry, chesty: What that nasty cough REALLY means | Mail Online.
Acute bronchitis usually lasts a few days, although you may have a cough for. green mucus; Burning sensation in the chest; Wheezing; Sore throat; Fever; Fatigue. cough) or expectorants (for a wet, productive cough that brings up mucus).
Coughing Up Yellow Phlegm? - Yahoo! Answers.
The mucus produced by a cold gets thick and may turn yellow or green. Mucus is typically clear with allergies. A sore throat is more common with a cold than with allergies. Colds often bring on a low fever (especially in children).. Both colds and allergies can cause coughing and sneezing, but coughing is more common.
Chesty (Productive) Coughs - Common Conditions Detail.
Symptoms of a Cold: Coughing, Runny Nose, No Fever, and More.